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Proper Disposal

Proper Disposal 2018-08-07T15:15:03-05:00

Just because you’re done with the clutter, doesn’t mean that we are. The proper disposal is the next step of the mission. When our truck returns at the end of the day, we sort the articles into four main categories at our sorting area. This step ensures that we maximize the good reuse of your items as well as minimizing our refuse footprint. The sorted items are then transported and distributed to vendors throughout these four main categories.


This is always the first and most desirable end for your items. To have them be reused and repurposed by someone in need is definitely the most fulfilling for the community as well as the planet. When valued donations are made we will send you a Tax Receipt from that Donation Partner (see below) which you may then use as a tax deduction.

Scrap Yards

Some of your items may still have value and a contribution to offer in the form of their raw materials. When applicable, those items will be broken down and sold to metal recyclers. These proceeds are taken into consideration and you are credited for them when we are generating your free estimate.

Recycling Centers

These are the area centers that allow for the disposal of certain products in an effort to keep them out of landfills and to also save them for a later and more painstaking breakdown. There are many various centers that we use who will accept; yard waste, appliances, tires, electronics, batteries, paint, etc.


Obviously, this is the last and the least desirable option. But unfortunately, often times junk is just that…junk. So, as needed, we do instill the use of area landfills. Despite the bad stigma to the concept of landfills, they do provide a much needed service and as part of that service they do ensure the safe and centralized containment of our refuse.

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